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Interested in lessons? Need more information?

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hear from you!

220 Doty Street| Kaukauna WI | 54130 |

Tel: (920) 766-0186 |

Beginning Guitar Lessons


Students in beginning guitar lessons will learn guitar basics: how to tune their instrument, begin to read music, play melody lines, and basic chords.


Must have your own guitar! If you have any questions about purchasing a guitar, please contact me. There are also many music stores located in the Fox Valley and Green Bay area that can help your family select an appropriate guitar. Please do not purchase your instrument at Wal-Mart, Shopko, Target, etc. They work fine for little ones who just want to “play”, but they do not stay in tune and would not be useful for students who are looking to build guitar skills.


Will need to purchase Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1 - 2nd edition by Will Schmid and Greg Koch – available at Heid Music in Appleton and Green Bay.

Voice Lessons


Students taking voice lessons will work on proper singing technique, which includes posture, breathing, using the entire body to sing, and more. 

Students will sing a variety of styles of music – classical, contemporary, jazz, sacred, etc. 

Schedule and Cost


Information on scheduling lessons will be sent out the first few weeks of the school year and when there is an opening in the lesson schedule.


The cost of lessons is $10 per guitar lesson and $15.00 per voice lesson.

Lessons meet for 25 minutes.


Students interested in lessons should be committed to practicing outside of their lessons to get the most out of their lesson experence. 

Private lessons are something that I offer for students interested in learning how to play the guitar, build their vocal skills, and grow in their understanding of music.
Lessons typically allow students one on one time with their instructor.  Exceptions are when a group of students are preparing a song for a concert, Mass, or other performance opportunity.  
Lessons are not part of the students music grade, instead, they are focusing on growing in their musicianship at their own pace. 
Lesson fees and materials are not included in St. Ignatius tuition fees.

Lesson Opportunities 

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